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Druid Hills Youth Sports

Druid Hills Youth Sports


Thank you for your interest. All baseball and softball leagues for the Spring 2025 season are full. 

We anticipate registration for our baseball Summer sandlot leagues to open in early May.

Waitlist Priority

Prior to each season, the league will determine a specified period during which families may register. Registration dates will be published well in advance on the website and sent out via email to returning participants. Families will be able to take the time to provide complete and accurate information. No payments will be taken, and no spots will be allocated during the registration period.

Following the registration period, the league will invoice players who registered on time using the following criteria to remove them from the wait list:

  •   Volunteer Participation.  This includes families that have volunteered as board members, league directors, managers, coaches, field captains, participation in the park field days, and serving on the Capstone, opening day, and auction committees as well as organizers of the Spring Training Clinics and Devils’ Night at the Park.
  •    Park Representation.  Consideration will also be given to those families that commit the time to represent the park beyond Medlock. This includes participation in the Devils, North Georgia Select Softball League, Georgia Peaches and Baseball for All programs.
  •    Consistent with the Mission Statement of DeKalb County Parks and Recreation and in an effort to make sure that the ability to play at Medlock is not closed to players who do not initially enroll as Rookies, an additional number of spots will be set aside for families that are new to the area or that connect Medlock Park to the greater DeKalb community.
  •    Siblings.  Every effort will be made to offer spots to all children in the same family.
  •    Finally, consideration will be given to the number of seasons a player has participated in baseball/softball at the Park.

There will always be registered families whose plans change between registration and the start of the season. This process, therefore, will not eliminate the wait list altogether. By allocating the vast majority of the spots on the same day our hope is that families who are not offered spots initially will have ample time to make alternative arrangements.

Available Programs

No Programs are Currently Displayed

There are no programs or divisions available at the moment. Please contact your club administrator with any questions.


Druid Hills Youth Sports
Medlock Park, 874 Gaylemont Circle
Decatur, Georgia 30033

Email: [email protected]

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